Bear Photography in Romania

Bear Photography in Romania

The largest population of European Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) is to be found in Romania…. that is what you would hear from scientists, nature lovers and hunters interested in this species. The population is estimated today at around 5800 (depends on who you are...
Cicada orni metamorphosis

Cicada orni metamorphosis

Cicada orni one of the largest Cicadas in the world photographed in Babadag Forest – Dobrogea. This cicada is usually laying eggs in the  Manna Ash or South European Flowering Ash (Fraxinus ornus) possibly where its name orni comes from. The noise it produces in...
Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) albino

Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) albino

Last week we where at a bird count and on Grindul Lupilor we spotted a white bird in top of a hill. At first we didn’t know what to believe as it was so white … I even said it is a Snow Owl. It turned out to be a Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) albino. The...
Boats and Fisherman

Boats and Fisherman

The Danube Delta is a place where the boats play an important role being used for day to day purposes like fishing, transportation, tourism and illegal activities like pouching. The pictures below where taken all over the delta during a period of 6 years. If you enjoy...
Ecuador 2008

Ecuador 2008

Here is the new gallery from Ecuador… Enjoy the wonder land. The pictures where taken during my trip to Ecuador and Galapagos in 2008. This is an amazing place, hard to imagine if you don’t see it for yourself. I was astonished by it’s beauty,...