Winter Photography in The Danube Delta

Winter Photography in The Danube Delta

This weekend I went again with my father in the Danube Delta, where we tried to take some pictures of the ice and wildlife. It was a cloudy day and even so we managed to find interesting subjects. The resulted images are not too exciting but they answer the question...
Birds Magazine – Danube Delta

Birds Magazine – Danube Delta

This month the most important British nature conservation magazine called BIRDS , the RSPB’s members’ magazine, has published an article about the Danube Delta. The article features a few pictures of mine covering  6 full pages  and is written by my friend...
Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

The Dalmatian Pelican is one of the reasons why many birdwatchers head towards the Danube Delta. During my 15 years of guiding I have had my fair share of twichers wo came to Romania only to see this bird. It is not always easy to find the birds during spring...
Pandion haliaetus

Pandion haliaetus

A few pictures of an Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) – Vulturul pescar, eating a fish on a tree near Bogdaproste lake in the Danube Delta. It was very cloudy so the results are not the best but acceptable. The Osprey is not a commune bird around the Delta and it is...