Pescuit in Delta Dunarii

Pescuit in Delta Dunarii

Pentru cei interesati de pescuitul la crap, stiuca sau somn Ibis Tours a lansat un nou website special pentru cei pasionati de acest hobby. Daca doriti sa aflati mai multe despre subiectul Pescuit in Delta Dunarii faceti click pe imaginea de mai jos. Se pot inchiria...
The best Slow Motion I’ve seen

The best Slow Motion I’ve seen

Here is one of the best slow motion shots I have seen. They are taken with a camera capable of 1000 frames per second… it's just an add but it is incredible. 
Sand Animation by Kseniya Simonova

Sand Animation by Kseniya Simonova

This is an amazing artist… I've seen sand animations before but none like this. This artist Ksenia Simonova is the winner of a talent show in Ukraine. The first video is about the second world war and it's influence on Ukrainian people.   ...