Last week we where at a bird count and on Grindul Lupilor we spotted a white bird in top of a hill. At first we didn’t know what to believe as it was so white … I even said it is a Snow Owl. It turned out to be a Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) albino. The pictures didn’t turn out too good as it was raining and the light was poor but they are good enough to identify the bastard. The observation was made together with Eugen Petrescu, Laurentiu Petrencu, and Andrei Pârciog on 27.12.2009 at 09:45:53. The place was a hundred meters away from the spot where I have discovered las summer the Spur-winged lapwing  (Vanellus spinosus) that turned out to be the fourth sighting since 08.08.1964, Braţul Borcea, IL, 1 ad, obs, Bezzel  (1965); 03.08.1977, Dranov, TL, 1 ad, obs,  Paspaleva&Tălpeanu 1979.